

Gctlab’s Kite is an enhanced security technology that works beyond standard encryption, protects the data ‘At-rest’ and ‘In-transit’.  It gives full ‘Control’ in your hand to your ‘crown-jewel’ data kept in the private as well as public domain such as Cloud.  It guarantees data redaction (deletion), works transparently (invisible to user) and allows user to define policy.  (Kite is an US-patented technology)

• Complete control over data, with guaranteed data redaction
• Security as if data is on-premise
• Transparent operation
• Multi-tenant operation
• Policy-driven controls
• Scale and low-cost of public cloud

Please contact us for further details.

Click here for Live Demo!

• Complete control over data, with guaranteed data redaction
• Security as if data is on-premise
• Transparent operation
• Multi-tenant operation
• Policy-driven controls
• Scale and low-cost of public cloud

Please contact us for further details.

Click here for Live Demo!